Wednesday 7 July 2010

Pregnant until proven otherwise...

I'm finding it slightly surreal that I am officially in the two week wait. After negative ovulation tests on both Saturday and Sunday I was instructed to do the trigger shot of Ovidrel on Sunday night at 9pm and go in for the IUI at 9.30am on Tuesday.

Everything went to plan as far as I can tell. I strongly suspect that I ovulated in the early hours of Tuesday morning. I know the egg survives in the fallopian tubes for up to 24 hours, so with those sperm put in there at around 10am I'm hoping they will have found their way to the egg just in time.

The procedure itself is no more uncomfortable or difficult that a PAP smear. She showed me the vial of sperm before she started - the tiniest amount that contains millions of actual sperm - so I could verify and sign confirmation that they had used the right donor. Then in went the speculum, the canula was inserted into my cervix and those swimmers were pushed through the tube deep into my uterus.

I was left to lie down and relax for 10 minutes or so and as soon as the nurse left the room I put my legs up the wall. Hoping and praying that no-one else walked in!

After that all that was left to do was make sure I knew how to do the three Pregnyl injections that provide extra hormonal support in luteal phase to help support a pregnancy and off I went home - with millions of some strange guy's sperm swimming around inside me! How bizarre!

I spent the rest of the day chilling out with one of my good friends and her 8 week old baby boy.

My period will be due on the 21st. If it hasn't arrived I go for a blood test on the 22nd. I do my last Pregnyl shot on the 14th and it stays in the blood stream for five days so I'm not sure doing a home pregnancy test is going to be any use at all as Pregnyl can cause a false positive.

I'm hoping for beginner's luck, but ready to go again should that not be the case...

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